The Epitaph • November 8, 2017 •
Humans of Homestead: November 2017 edition
Inside the minds of students at HHS
By Batool Al-Jabiry and Nicole Fuller
Catherine Hansa, Junior and Ballet Dancer: “I’ve been dancing for 10 years, and I plan on continuing dance. I’m thinking of doing it professionally; my dream has always been to [dance] in Russia. They have these famous [ballet] companies, and it’s always been my dream. I’ve tried hip-hop, but it’s not really my thing. I’m pretty bad. This Saturday, I’m rehearsing for “The Nutcracker,” so that’s going to be like just seven hours straight of ballet.”James Ratti, American Literature Teacher: “One of the best things about my job is that I don’t have to wear a suit! Because I am not a formal person. But I do enjoy the rewarding part of teaching. The routine may be the same but I will always have new experiences based on the clientele, shall we say.”
James Ratti, American Literature Teacher: “I’m trying to up my new look lately, so I’m rocking these fresh, new pair of glasses. I’ve also been wearing a lot of orange, or like I like to say, ‘Ah-range’ … Ah-range is definitely one of my favorite colors. Not everyone can rock it, quite frankly. It’s a very vibrant color.”
Stephany Orellana, Junior and Future Artist: “If I don’t take AP studio, I want to take AP 3D design. I didn’t even know that was a thing, but Ms. Dee, my teacher, told me about it. I actually want to go into an art-related major in the future.”
Stephany Orellana, Junior and Future Artist: “I’m working on some art right now for my class, 3D design. It’s my second year, the advanced class. Right now I’m just trying to figure out what I want to add to my portfolio for next year.”
Laia Menendez, Junior and Vintage Pins Enthusiast: “Oh, these pins are super cool. They were actually my mom’s from the 80s. This one is just a nice rose, and this one is a rocket ship from when she used to work at NASA.”Laia Menendez, Junior and Vintage Pins Enthusiast: “I’m not really sure what we’re planning so far [for the weekend], but one of my friends is making waffles, which I’m really excited about.”Laia Menendez, Junior and Vintage Pins Enthusiast: “My week has been going really well so far. I’m planning on just ending it on a really good note by spending it with some of my friends this three-day weekend.”