Steve Jobs sparks inspiration at graduation
HHS graduate speakers wish each other luck in changing the world
Photo by Mark Lu
The class of 2016 wears all green robes as they graduate on June 2.
With numerous graduations taking place all over the country, HHS’s proved to be quite special due to one very important person: Steve Jobs.
Due to his attendance at HHS before changing the tech world forever, a quote from Jobs was the theme of the celebration and seemed to have an impact on those giving graduation speeches, as many touched on how our 2016 graduates will be ones who change the world.
As every student wore emerald green robes and caps, HHS’s school spirit was represented well. With smiles and laughter, as well as hints of despair, graduation was a bittersweet moment for students, staff and family.
While many of our students will be continuing their education in places other than Cupertino, they will continue changing the world and striving to be the absolute best. As Jobs once said, “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.”