The Bar-On Brief: Class of 2017 officers — surpassing expectations

Photo by David Coe

Anyone can run for class office, but at the end of election week only five can proudly claim victory. Victory alone, however, is not what defines a leader.
The real test of leadership is not the mere transition from candidate to office holder, but rather the course of action taken while in office.
Planning senior prom is an expectation of the senior class officers. It is something that will take place regardless of who is in office.
But this year’s class of 2017 officers have not only stepped into their role; they have stepped above and beyond their jobs and duties. Not only will they complete what is expected of them, planning a senior prom, but they took part in one of the most successful fundraisers I have witnessed.
Senior class president Edward Li, vice president Michael Huang, secretary Tate Besser, treasurer Andrew Mou and ASB tech commissioner Yash Satyavarpu promised to shave their heads for every $500 raised in an effort to reduce the bid prices for senior prom.
In a single week, the officers involved the student body and, through the cooperation of the school, were able to raise $2,200. The officers said the money will be used to subsidize the cost of prom tickets, so they can charge less per ticket. The goal is for every senior to be able to afford their last high school dance, senior prom.
The class of 2017 sold roughly 300 tickets for last year’s junior prom, VP Michael Huang said. Out of a class of 600, just about half the class attended the dance. In contrast, roughly 500 students attended the class of 2016’s senior prom last year.
Senior prom is almost always more popular than junior prom because it is the last dance for the class. But this year’s senior class officers do not just want it to be popular, they want every student to attend and to not be deterred by high bid prices.
Achieving the goal was not easy. Officers agreed to shave their heads if the goal was met, they had to work to advertise the event and their efforts are not finished yet.
The senior class is also sponsoring the first ever pre-Sadie’s dinner, another event to raise money for prom.
Prom would happen regardless of who is in office, but the pre-Sadie’s dinner? The shaving up for prom? No way.
This year’s class of 2017 officers have gone above and beyond what was expected of them. The qualities they have displayed equate to a single word, the word that describes the reason they took on these tasks: leadership.
Being an officer is fulfilling the expectation. Being a leader means surpassing them. The 2017 class officers are leaders.
And with that, I rest my case.
The Bar-On Brief is a weekly column that runs Thursdays.
Follow Shauli Bar-On on Twitter @shauli_baron