Diving into a new season
The girls diving team has completed a seven meets this season
Photo by Skylar Cunniff
Junior Varsity Captain Anna Dupin completes a flipping dive
The girls varsity and JV diving teams did well at the meet on Thursday, March 30. The diving team’s score is combined with the swim team’s score to make the total score of the meet. Each dive is given a score based on the difficulty, technique, how close to the board and how big of a splash the diver makes, Senior boys varsity diving captain Cole Brower said.
There are many underclassmen girls on the diving team, but only one junior and no seniors. Freshman Sonya Bonne, who has been diving for almost a month, said there have never been cuts for tryouts in the past, but the coach said he may cut people in the future if they are not good enough.
Bonne said she knows six dives and her favorite is a front dive tuck, but she has not competed officially at a meet yet. Varsity captain Anna Dupin has been diving for five and a half years at Stanford and has dove every year at HHS. She said she can do over 11 different dives on a one meter board and 11 on a three meter board.
“I just like being with the group and making friends. It’s fun,” Dupin said.
Freshman Kelly Stepanenko from FHS has been diving for eight years at Santa Clara Diving. She came to her first meet at HHS recently and enjoyed it.
“I think [the HHS divers are] great and I love their positivity all the time and I just love them as people,” Stepanenko said.
Four students came to watch the boys and girls diving meet on Thursday, but there were many parents and family members in attendance. Senior Sarah Golbidi, who attended the meet, thought it was interesting and recommends more students come out to support the diving team.