2020 vision
A way-too-early look at some Democratic contenders

Although the primaries are almost a year away, candidates are already beginning to emerge. From left: Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, John Delaney and Julián Castro.
Kamala Harris: Sen. Kamala Harris of California officially entered the presidential race recently, and, as a relatively young biracial woman, aligns with the diverse female majority of the Democratic Party. Harris has embraced issues such as gender and racial equality, and, in the primary, will likely attract black voters, who, according to FiveThirtyEight, make up around 20 percent of the party. However, with many other candidates yet to enter the pool, some of whom could also be black, her likelihood of securing the nomination remains slim. Despite her initial popularity, Harris could repeat the failures of Republicans Marco Rubio and Scott Walker, whose votes tanked after being hyped as potential nominees.
Elizabeth Warren: Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts does not enjoy the same popularity as Harris, particularly after it surfaced that she was not as Native American as she repeatedly claimed to be. In a party desperate for fresh faces, the 69-year-old Warren has another strike against her. However, according to FiveThirtyEight, she votes with the president only 13.1 percent of the time, and is deeply liberal on social and economic issues. Her social stance almost directly overlaps with popular 2016 candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, and could mean they will end up competing for the same pool of voters if Sanders decides to run again in 2020.
Julián Castro: Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro recently entered the race, arguably the antithesis of everything President Trump stands for. A descendant of Mexican immigrants, Castro is passionate about the issues of immigration and border security. He bolstered prekindergarten programs in the city of San Antonio, where he served as mayor, and has said he intends to expand access to free prekindergarten for parents who want it, according to the Washington Post. However, Castro has never run for statewide office in Texas, and his stances on many issues remain unclear.
John Delaney: Former Rep. John Delaney of Maryland declared his candidacy just six months into President Trump’s term, so this comes as no surprise. Hardly any candidates have ever entered the race so early, but despite this, Delaney is nowhere near a household name. He has the money to spend on a campaign, but has instead chosen to call for reform of the entire campaign finance system. According to Rolling Stone, he has already visited every county in Iowa, and opened two campaign offices in the state. However, despite his diligent campaigning and a relatively bipartisan platform, Delaney’s nomination remains unlikely.