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Homestead High School's student newspaper

The Epitaph

Homestead High School's student newspaper

The Epitaph

Homestead High School's student newspaper

The Epitaph

 Using property taxes to fund schools significantly disadvantages low-income students who lack the same resources as their high-income counterparts.

The court decides: San Antonio Independent v. Rodriguez

By Ritaja Subrahmanya November 2, 2020

The United States Supreme Court’s decision on San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez (1973) was a turning point in the fight for equal access to education.  In 1968, low-income families...

Microaggression can be just as detrimental as outright racism or sexism. The world needs to be more aware and sensitive of the way words and actions can hurt others.

Microaggressions: Subtle discrimination is still discrimination

By Karuna Chandran March 22, 2020

We were at a hotel in Los Angeles, near Universal Studios and had gone to the breakfast buffet. I remembered that trip being one of the most exhilarating times of 2019, but this following experience significantly...

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