The ten year takeaway

Ten years, countless hours and infinite dedication. A sport can become a positive outlet for athletes where lifelong lessons are discovered.
Sophomore Kyle Geffon has been playing baseball for ten years, and his life wouldn’t be the same without it.
“I started playing because my dad always loved the game,” Geffon said. “Also my friends all played and it was really fun.”
Junior Yannah Melle has been playing soccer her whole life and uses it as a way to escape the stress of school.
“When everything else is going wrong, I can just go to soccer practice and play with my teammates and everything else just goes away,” Melle said. Playing soccer helps her focus. “I don’t need to think about anything else, any problems I might have.”
Melle says soccer has taught her many important lessons, such as how to be a good leader.
“Soccer has taught me discipline, focus, how to work with others, all important qualities in being a leader,” Melle said. “Being put into a position where I have had to lead has helped me grow as a person, and I have soccer to thank for that.”
However, constant dedication to their sports also makes other aspects of life more difficult for these students.
“Sometimes it feels more like work than something fun,” Geffon said. Geffon has to balance schoolwork with early morning games and long tournaments.
Ultimately, student athletes are grateful for the opportunities that their sports present to them and are already realizing the important roles sports play in their lives.
“It’s weird to think about life without baseball. It gives me something to do, exercise, spend time with friends,” Geffon said. “I’d for sure encourage other kids to keep working at their sport.”
Melle said, “Soccer has become the closest thing I have to a passion. Without soccer, what would I do with myself?”