Seniors maintain a 100 point lead in BOTC
Juniors dropped back to second place despite a Powderpuff tournament win
Photo by Karima Ghimire
The juniors orchestrated a rousing cheer earning them second place.
Juniors won the Powderpuff tournament against the sophomores today, but returned to second place after the seniors won the brunch cheer off and the dance competition.
The juniors, who have a total of 5350 points, are just 100 points behind the seniors, who lead with 5450 points. The sophomores have 4550 points, while the freshmen have 2450 points.
With only points from Coin Wars and the rally cheer-off remaining, the winner for BOTC will be determined and announced at the rally tomorrow.
Photo by Zainab Islam
Freshmen started off the cheer-off.