Humans of Homestead: Friday Nights are for Football

“My favorite part of cheering for football games is performing at quarter breaks because we get to interact with the crowd.” -Oliva Sotir, Senior

“It’s nice to have this one time where we can come together as a school and celebrate something we can do as a sort of a tradition. As a senior, I think it’s nice to make the best of your last year and cheer on our football team!” -Jonathan Angeles, Senior

“Since I am an energetic person, football games are the best way to spend my Friday nights hyping the crowd and players up.” -Kathy Rodriguez, Junior

“…football games are just another way to hang out with the people you love the most. When I’m performing with band during halftime, I’m so focused on doing something that I love and I kind of zone out.”
-Matthew Origel, Junior

“There’s moments when I’m conducting when I’m just in the moment, not really focused on anything but the very beginning part of the show it gets really hard to establish tempo.” -Shani Zuniga, Junior

“I have a lot of faith in our football team and I think we will definitely be able to bring it by the end of the year.” -Zach Gabrielson, Freshman