More than a place for books

Library environment welcomes students for academic and extracurricular purposes

Photo by Leiyonee Bosé

Students use the library to hang out and get work done.

The library is available as a work space, resource and a place to hang out. It is usually easily accessible and available to all students as a resource, including printing, using the computers and using the textbooks.

The library is largely used as a place to get work done. The computers are especially helpful for students who do not own their own laptop or cannot bring it.

“I usually go to do homework and work on projects. Also, if I forget my laptop … I don’t actually go there to read, I go to do work,” junior Jacklin Chang said.

Many students also go to the library to stay warm on colder days.

“During empty periods, most people only come in here when it’s super rainy and really cold outside,” sophomore Rupali Ram, a TA for the library, said.

Ram said certain times of the day are busier than others with tutorial being the busiest. It is competitive getting in and there is always a long line. Students at the end often are not let in.

“If they could, there should be more tables and chairs so that more people could fit in the library. I feel like there’s enough space to fit more because a lot of them are super spread out,” Chang said.

However, not everyone goes to the library to work or escape the weather. Others go in to be on their devices or hang out with their friends.

“A lot of people come in here during tutorial because they can just not do anything, even though Ms. Bateman comes in and checks … [or] to get last minute work done,” Ram said.

While the library is very useful to students, some policies are confusing to them. One such policy is how after sixth period, students have to form a line and wait ten minutes before going in.

“Someone needs to address how they make us line up outside the library and wait for no reason. This is why I don’t even bother going in,” junior Irene Chen said.

Another policy is having to check out certain textbooks from behind the desk, even though they can only be used in the library.

One of Ram’s main job as a TA is to manage the checking out of these textbooks. “Even as a TA, I don’t understand why we have to give our ID to get the textbooks from behind the desk. What makes those textbooks so special?” Ram said.

Despite certain policies that bother students, the library is a place for to get work done, stay out of the cold and even to relax.