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Friday, March 14, 2025

Homestead High School's student newspaper

The Epitaph

Homestead High School's student newspaper

The Epitaph

Homestead High School's student newspaper

The Epitaph

Overpriced items at thrift stores undermine the original concept of accessibility and affordability.

When bargain hunting breaks the bank

By Ella Chan January 31, 2024

The thrill of finding a hidden gem for a low price at the thrift store is always rewarding. However,  in an era where thrifting once kept up with the theme of being cheap and accessible, it is often not...

When people run out of supplies they have to make the decision whether to make do or risk getting infected at a grocery store.

The dangers of shopping during a pandemic

By Ritaja Subrahmanya May 31, 2020

Grocery shopping, something most people do on a weekly basis, has changed drastically due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to CNN, workers are most at risk for contracting coronavirus. However, shoppers...

These reusable items keep you at home and safe during a time when shopping is becoming inaccessible.

Protect the Parks: Zero-waste substitutes to prevent time-consuming shopping

By Jane Park April 11, 2020

[embedyt][/embedyt] With the shelter-in-place order being strictly enforced by most of California, citizens are ordered to stay at home except for completing...

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