The Anticipating of ‘Don’t Worry Darling’

One of the most-discussed thriller-horror movies of the year, “Don’t Worry Darling,” has caught the attention of millions of thriller movie lovers. Although there were high hopes for the film because of the numerous starring actors and actresses, the movie left me thoroughly disappointed. 

In what appears to be the 1950s, the movie takes on gender roles, misogyny and other ideas from back then. Although there were good intentions in the movie, it begins to tangle together into a mess of story plots. It turns towards the end when Alice (portrayed by Florence Pugh), escapes from her captivity in the fake world, collectively making the movie just another predictable thriller.

Before watching the movie, I didn’t really know what to expect, since dystopian thrillers are always a gamble. Despite the genre’s uncertainty, I was sure that the acting by Florence Pugh and fellow lead Chris Pine would elevate. Sadly, the movie was a letdown. Although I thought the actors did a good job of showing their emotions about being trapped in this dystopian virtual reality, the main points and plot of the movie just seemed to confuse me. 

In “The Truman Show,” the main character discovers that their life is not what it seems to be and tries to get out of it, realizing halfway through the movie that everyone except him is in on the secret; that he is the center of a reality show. This relates to  “Don’t Worry Darling” because Alice realizes that the world she lives in is really a utopia for men – another concept I didn’t grasp completely. What was the point of the misogyny in this haven that was so important to be repeatedly pointed out? I felt that the director’s method of giving viewers awareness on the topic of sexism and misogyny wasn’t used correctly. Another main part that contributed to the downfall of this movie was the way the characters acted toward each other and that it just was not engaging. Most of the character interaction is just the two main characters, Jack and Alice arguing about their reality. A lot of the movie was also trying too hard to show the so-called perfect lives everyone is living in this haven, as there were random scenic scenes of clean aesthetics and happy people that felt entirely forced. 

While the actors did a really good job showing their emotions through the trapped characters, the mixing of the themes and confusion ultimately ruined the movie because of its predictability and generic nature. I wouldn’t recommend this movie to people who like to be caught off guard, as this movie’s predictable nature, and put me in a bored coma.