Building bridges between art, science

On a busy Friday afternoon, members from Greens Ops and National Art Honor Society assembled to paint pots for the succulents they will get to take home and take care of.

The collaboration event between Green Ops, a sustainability club aimed towards making a positive impact on the environment, and the National Art Honor Society, an art club focused on fostering an art-loving community, was hosted on Jan. 29, Green Ops officer, sophomore Ariel Jang said.

Despite the clubs’ different objectives, NAHS co-president, junior Abigail Song said it is important to build connections between science and art.

NAHS external activities director and Green Ops’ vice-president, junior Katherine Xu said the event’s planning process started at the end of winter break and went relatively smoothly since she is a member of both clubs.

“The hardest part [of planning for this event] was determining how many people would come,” Xu said. “I was afraid that not enough people would come at first, so I ordered fewer succulents, but luckily the buyer gave me extras as you can see from [the large turnout of around 20 people].”

With a paintbrush in hand, participants paint the pot for the succulents they get to bring home and foster. (Photo by Mackie Vu)

Brought to the social by friends, senior Bo Treesh said it would be a good idea to host this event every year.

“It’s a very creative event and it’s [cool] that both clubs collaborated,” Treesh said. “It’s good for people to get creative and do something fun like this. It’s nice for people to learn how to take care of a plant.”

Echoing Treesh’s thoughts, Xu said she hopes people will continue to garden outside the event.

“I hope people will gain a love for gardening and after raising one succulent, they’ll get into it more, and branch out into more types of gardening with different plants,” Xu said.

Song said she hopes people make new friends and explore the things they could do with art.

“Many people haven’t painted 3D [objects] before and I just want them to learn new skills,” Song said. “Also, they met other people who are interested in art and maybe also interested in science and can build those bridges.”

Seeing the union of the two clubs is an advantage, Song said, because it opens doors for double the members.

“For Green Ops, there might be people that have never painted before who are not that interested in art,” Song said. “Doing a collaboration with them can show them how fun art is and how they can translate their interests in sustainability into art [with] painting [as an example].”