Editorial: Executive meetings, club binders are ineffective
Photo by Karshin Gupta
Club binders and executive meetings are useless and do not benefit clubs as a whole.
Before every executive meeting, club presidents scramble to finish club binder summaries and reschedule tutorials to show up for another meeting that regurgitates the same information of all meetings preceding it.
The ASB Handbook states clubs have many responsibilities, including maintaining a well organized club binder, attending executive meetings and providing a full membership roster. With these responsibilities, clubs are also required to attend executive meetings and keep updated club binders.
Executive meetings can be efficient if scheduled only when appropriate and club binders are, simply put, outdated and unnecessary.
Executive meetings are required for club officers, but end up discussing information that is aimed at the entirety of the student body.
Despite the redundancy of information, it is mandatory for club officers to attend these excessive meetings to avoid getting their club deactivated.
To avoid wasting the time of club officers, executive meetings should be scheduled only when needed.
The only necessary executive meetings are the ones that deal with the ASB budget, the application procedure for school grants and other funding and the voting on proposed new clubs being recognized on campus.
These particular meetings are valuable, but they only take place a few times a year. Executive meetings should be shortened or held sporadically for only these specific events, instead of happening as often as other legislative meetings.
In addition to the executive meetings, club officers are required to maintain a club binder. The binder serves as a catalog for all club activity, such as meetings, minutes and the constitution that describes how the organization runs.
The contents of the club binder are important and should be preserved, but the traditional method of keeping the documents in a physical binder are outdated and archaic.
A Google document would suffice for everything a club binder holds, saving both paper and materials, as well as time. Club officers would no longer have to wait in lines during lunch to have their club binders checked by administration. Instead, officers would be able to submit their documents online and avoid the hassle.
The binder’s contents could be easily checked and updated at any time, and storing everything online would prevent information in physical papers from being lost.
The executive meetings should be held for only important club-related information, and the binders should be put online to save time and resources. It may seem necessary, but the binders and executive meetings are wasting precious time.
Corrections: Due to an error in the uploading process, an outdated version of this article was printed on February 2, 2017 in Issue 4.