The world should be your classroom

Some students are better at visualizing what they are learning

Photo by Elinda Xiao

For example, Administration of Justice can visit the local Police Department

External environments can be museums, art galleries, plays and more. While a controlled environment such as a classroom has its benefits, it can also deviate students from paying attention, zoning out or becoming easily distracted.

If students are not focusing and unmotivated while in the classroom, it doesn’t necessarily mean the teacher is doing something wrong. Motivation and environment can go hand in hand. While some teachers facilitate teaching through group projects and individual projects which forces students to interact with one another, students can also feel unheard among their classmates.

On top of that, this style of teaching can become stale.

According to NCBI, even with good intrinsic motivation, external factors can demotivate and disillusion. Distractions, unhelpful attitudes of teachers and physical discomfort will prompt learners to disengage.

By changing things up and being in a simulated environment where people are moving,  students can have the freedom to go at their own learning pace. This can help students feel less stressed and possibly be willing to vocalize opinions that the classroom environment might have prevented.

Additionally, many students thrive in a more visual environment.

Students do not touch, see or hear passively; they feel, look and listen actively. Students cannot absorb all information bombarding them at any given time; their ability to gather and understand incoming information is limited, according to Educause.

Not all students learn from inside the classroom. Some students absorb information from external environments.

By being in a more visual environment where students are forced to be present, can help with lessening distractions like cell phones and music. This is important to understanding that while cell phones are great for accessing information, sadly we rely on technology to guide us rather than a real world environment.

Students have always found ways, other than listening to the instructor, to pass the time during class. Crossword puzzles, doodling and daydreams have occupied students’ minds often, according to Educause.

If teachers implement field trips in their curriculum, they might see a change in students motivation and excitement for learning.