Students transitioning from distance learning to in-person

For many students such as junior Sebastian Segovia, in-person learning has been nothing but beneficial. From the consistent social interactions to help understand materials to having much easier access to teachers. 

Around mid-April, schools around Santa Clara county have begun to open for hybrid learning, according to an email sent out by FUHSD. Learning can take place both in person at the school or resume virtually as it’s been for over a year. 

 “I really wanted a change of setting,”Segovia said. “Staring at the wall of my room all day was starting to get boring after a year of the pandemic. I’ve totally missed being around people.”

Many students thought returning to school was a goal far too unreachable, but considering that COVID-19 cases are declining and the number of vaccinated staff and students began to increase, schools have begun the process of safely opening up their campuses.

The change of locations also helped other students stay more focused like sophomore Andrew Park for example. Zooming allows students to turn off their camera or zone out of class while doing other activities. 

 “When I’m online, it’s very easy to get distracted,” Andrew Park said in a zoom interview. “I’m in my own room and I can essentially do whatever I want. When [I’m] in person [and] pretending to pay attention I still ended up absorbing more information [than at home].” 

Park feels comfortable going to school now since staff members have been dedicated to providing clean learning environments.  

Not only does the staff prioritize keeping students safe, but students are also making an effort. With vaccinations becoming more available, Park noticed students expressing their support for trying to establish safe learning environments for all. 

 “The attitude among the students is that they want to get vaccinated and some have already gotten vaccinated, which does help a lot in making me feel safe [at school],” Park said. 

Throughout distance learning, Segovia was  struggling in comprehending what was being taught, as well as lack of motivation due to lowered social interactions and social life. Without face-to-face learning and support, Segovia had difficulties, which made him more eager  for schools to reopen. 

“I don’t really talk to any of my classmates because we’re all in breakout rooms with kids doing remote learning, and not a lot of my friends are back yet,” Felipa said in a Zoom interview. 

  For other students, the in-person school brought less social interaction than they had hoped. Lindsay Felipa said that being unable to leave school during lunch and social distancing creates the lack of social interaction she anticipated. 

“Going in person has been a great reset from the pandemic life. I am enjoying seeing and meeting new people,” Segovia said. “Actually seeing my teachers has helped me tremendously in my school work as well as I have been able to get more help from them.”